In today’s digital age, it’s hard to know which news to trust.
Disinformation is spreading across the Western Balkans at an alarming rate. Foreign and domestic powers with their own agendas are trying to influence public opinion through fake, manipulative stories. But you have the power to stop false news in its tracks. In just a few simple steps, you can filter the real from the fake, and stop the spread of disinformation.
Don’t be played. #CheckitFirst.
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#CheckitFirst campaign is part of an EU funded regional project focusing on tackling foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI). This project seeks to contribute to more democratic resilience to FIMI and to lessen chances of inter-communal conflict caused by FIMI in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia.
This campaign is funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of ARTICLE19 and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.